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Gaajan 021
Gaajan 021
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Santanu Chakrabarti

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Cambodia Dams

Cambodia Dams
Cambodia Dams

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Cambodia Dams
Description: Bunong farmers drive their tractor through a herd of cows in the village of Kbal Romeas. The Bunong are an ethnic minority tribe who inhabit parts of northeastern Cambodia, and rely heavily on natural resources to sustain their community. The community is self sustaining, and does not need to purchase any food, other than salt and spices. The Sesan II dam, if built, will displace multiple minority tribes, as well as substantially impact their ability to farm and fish. The community is currently divided; roughly half the villagers have accepted a resettlement compensation package, while the other half staunchly refuses to leave their land.
Keywords: mekong river cambodia documentary bunong farmers ethnic minority environment development dam sesanII
Date: 13.03.2016 05:16
Hits: 5917
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File size: 713.3 KB
Added by: Luc Forsyth

Byline: Luc Forsyth
Byline title: Photojournalist
Object name: Cambodia Dams
Caption: Bunong farmers drive their tractor through a herd of cows in the village of Kbal Romeas. The Bunong are an ethnic minority tribe who inhabit parts of northeastern Cambodia, and rely heavily on natural resources to sustain their community. The community is self sustaining, and does not need to purchase any food, other than salt and spices. The Sesan II dam, if built, will displace multiple minority tribes, as well as substantially impact their ability to farm and fish. The community is currently divided; roughly half the villagers have accepted a resettlement compensation package, while the other half staunchly refuses to leave their land.
Date created: 21.05.2015
Keywords: Southeast Asia, cambodia, dam, environment, ethnic minority, mekong, river, sesan river, streung treng, water


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