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China, Dilemma of Modernization
China, Dilemma of Modernization
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Adli Ghazali

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Russian Village

Russian Village
Russian Village

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Russian Village
Keywords: Russia, Russian, Village
Date: 23.09.2009 16:50
Hits: 83703
Downloads: 0
Rating: 4.67 (3 Vote(s))
File size: 337.7 KB
Added by: Aydan Metev

Caption: Chernishka: Republic of Udmurtia, Russia.
Chernishka, situated in the Republic of Udmurtia (Russia), was a secret military village during the Cold War. Until today, the local authorities try to keep in secret some aspects of the villageÕs life: there are no road indications when you approach to the place; a routine arrest in order to be confirmed your personal identification is something that happens frequently. It seems that time has stopped.
Byline: Aydan Metev Metev
Date created: 26.09.2008
Keywords: Russian Village, Pueblo Ruso


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