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akhlas-dedication to god-04
akhlas-dedication to god-04
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Md. Akhlas Uddin

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The Berlin Wall : Crosses for failed crossings; The Unknowns
The Berlin Wall :  Crosses for failed crossings; The Unknowns

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The Berlin Wall : Crosses for failed crossings; The Unknowns
Description: In an area of the wall behind the remains of Reichstag, I stumbled upon an series of crosses , some which had wreaths from family members who lived on the west. When the city was divided families on either side of the long concrete divide were brokn apart. In all 1,065 people died while fleeing the GDR attempting to cross the wall. Some remain unknown.
Keywords: art, graffitti, berlin, germany, berlin-wall, wall, political, protest
Date: 23.06.2005 01:09
Hits: 47641
Downloads: 0
Rating: 3.67 (3 Vote(s))
File size: 400.5 KB
Added by: John Horniblow

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The Berlin Wall : Der Kampf  
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The Berlin Wall : The eternal flame; beat that drum baby



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