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Grabbing a hitch up the mountain
Grabbing a hitch up the mountain

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Grabbing a hitch up the mountain
Description: Three guys, waiting for a hitch up to the top of Mount Panorama, and attending to their portable beer coolers - PVC pipes filled with can and covered in insulation...
Keywords: Bathurst, V8, motorsport, race, Australia, car, culture, iconic, Mount, Panorama, drinking, memorial, Peter, Brock
Date: 19.02.2007 02:02
Hits: 34520
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 65.0 KB
Added by: Tyler Freeman Smith

Caption: Three guys, waiting for a hitch up to the top of Mount Panorama, and attending to their portable beer coolers - PVC pipes filled with can and covered in insulation...
Caption writer: Tyler F. Smith
Headline: Grabbing a hitch up the mountain
Byline: Tyler Freeman Smith
Byline title: Professional Photographer
Credit: (c) Tyler F. Smith
City: Bathurst
State: NSW
Country: Australia
Copyright Notice: (c) Tyler F. Smith


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