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Shamshahrin Shamsudin

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People of southern Lebanon live amidst unexploded ordnances
People of southern Lebanon live amidst unexploded ordnances

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People of southern Lebanon live amidst unexploded ordnances
Description: Since the ceasefire and the revelation that more than one million cluster bombs were dropped on the country, the cluster bomb has become this war?s Agent Orange in the sense that its legacy extends far beyond the end of the armed conflict. More than 170 people have been killed or maimed since the end of the war. And because it will take another 12 to 15 months to clear the country of these weapons, there are almost certainly more deaths and injuries to come.
Keywords: War, Lebanon, Cluster, bomb
Date: 15.01.2007 02:08
Hits: 33171
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Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 640.3 KB
Added by: Gabriela Bulisova


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Lebanese refugees pray in a Shia mosque in Damascus, Syria  



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