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Texas Theater, Dallas, TX
Texas Theater, Dallas, TX
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Peter Calvin

Life on the Road | Truck drivers in Europe

There are people who spend days and months out of home- it is their work: travelling from one point to another. They work in the trucks, sleep in them, eat or watch football . The road can be a dangerous place- there are people trying to steal them or what they carry.

Photo documentary story / Photojournal by Bulgarian Photographer Aydan Metev (living in Spain). (Hits: 221007)

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Life on the Road (Aydan Metev)
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Life on the Road | Truck drivers in Europe
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Life on the Road (Aydan Metev)
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Life on the Road | Truck drivers in Europe
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Life on the Road (Aydan Metev)
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Life on the Road | Truck drivers in Europe
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Life on the Road (Aydan Metev)
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Life on the Road | Truck drivers in Europe
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Life on the Road (Aydan Metev)
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Life on the Road | Truck drivers in Europe
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Life on the Road (Aydan Metev)
Photo details & description
Life on the Road | Truck drivers in Europe
Comments: 0

Life on the Road (Aydan Metev)
Photo details & description
Life on the Road | Truck drivers in Europe
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Life on the Road (Aydan Metev)
Photo details & description
Life on the Road | Truck drivers in Europe
Comments: 0

Life on the Road (Aydan Metev)
Photo details & description
Life on the Road | Truck drivers in Europe
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Life on the Road (Aydan Metev)
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Life on the Road | Truck drivers in Europe
Comments: 1

Life on the Road (Aydan Metev)
Photo details & description
Life on the Road | Truck drivers in Europe
Comments: 0

Life on the Road (Aydan Metev)
Photo details & description
Life on the Road | Truck drivers in Europe
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