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Pyschic Reader
Pyschic Reader
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Stephen Uhraney

The City of Death, Balakot | Pakistan

On a normal day in October 2005 one of the world's most beautiful places was turned into a living hell. Balakot ,located on a major geological fault line about 200km (120 miles) north of the country's capital, Islamabad. was reduced to rubble. I arrived 3 weeks to the hour after the main quake destoyed the city. The images shown here will give a small insight into what happened there . The world has forgotten the pledges which were made but still the death continued as a result of broken promises from all over the world. 80,000 people died within the first few weeks and the death toll continued to rise.
Photo Documentary / Photo Journal Story by English photographer Jamie Bailey (Hits: 213852)

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Found: 20 image(s) on 2 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

Balakot 1 (Jamie Bailey)
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The City of Death, Balakot | Pakistan
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Balakot 2 (Jamie Bailey)
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The City of Death, Balakot | Pakistan
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Balakot 3 (Jamie Bailey)
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The City of Death, Balakot | Pakistan
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Balakot 4 (Jamie Bailey)
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The City of Death, Balakot | Pakistan
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Balakot 5 (Jamie Bailey)
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The City of Death, Balakot | Pakistan
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Balakot 6 (Jamie Bailey)
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The City of Death, Balakot | Pakistan
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Balakot 7 (Jamie Bailey)
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The City of Death, Balakot | Pakistan
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Balakot 8 (Jamie Bailey)
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The City of Death, Balakot | Pakistan
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Balakot 9 (Jamie Bailey)
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The City of Death, Balakot | Pakistan
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Balakot 10 (Jamie Bailey)
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The City of Death, Balakot | Pakistan
Comments: 1

Balakot 11 (Jamie Bailey)
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The City of Death, Balakot | Pakistan
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Balakot 12 (Jamie Bailey)
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The City of Death, Balakot | Pakistan
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