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Good Times
Good Times
Comments: 1
Michael Fox

Little Ballerinas | Eisteddfod, Sydney Australia

First published in The Sun Herald Magazine, 'Life', in February 2006, this photo story chronicles the tensions, dramas and competition of the Sydney City Eisteddfod. Featuring seven and eight year old ballerinas, we are reminded of the innocence and beauty of the age and sigh at the unaffected support these children allow one another. The pictures lead us to believe there is a better world that is possible.
Photography by award winning Australian photographer ,Lisa Hogben (Hits: 189286)

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Found: 26 image(s) on 3 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

Backstage Waiting (Lisa Hogben)
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Little Ballerinas | Eisteddfod, Sydney Australia
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Pointing (Lisa Hogben)
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Little Ballerinas | Eisteddfod, Sydney Australia
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Backstage Waiting (Lisa Hogben)
Photo details & description
Little Ballerinas | Eisteddfod, Sydney Australia
Comments: 0

So Nervous (Lisa Hogben)
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Little Ballerinas | Eisteddfod, Sydney Australia
Comments: 0

In The Background (Lisa Hogben)
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Little Ballerinas | Eisteddfod, Sydney Australia
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Watching (Lisa Hogben)
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Little Ballerinas | Eisteddfod, Sydney Australia
Comments: 2

Zoe (Lisa Hogben)
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Little Ballerinas | Eisteddfod, Sydney Australia
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Preening (Lisa Hogben)
Photo details & description
Little Ballerinas | Eisteddfod, Sydney Australia
Comments: 0

Waiting (Lisa Hogben)
Photo details & description
Little Ballerinas | Eisteddfod, Sydney Australia
Comments: 0

Warming Up (Lisa Hogben)
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Little Ballerinas | Eisteddfod, Sydney Australia
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A Hushed Discussion (Lisa Hogben)
Photo details & description
Little Ballerinas | Eisteddfod, Sydney Australia
Comments: 1

First Competition (Lisa Hogben)
Photo details & description
Little Ballerinas | Eisteddfod, Sydney Australia
Comments: 1

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